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The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has a smarter approach to crime and safety which involves protecting the public from violent crime, as well as crimes that harm the most vulnerable members of society. The office works to ensure stricter criminal penalties as a reaction to such crimes and bolsters collaboration across law enforcement agencies and community stakeholders.

Support & Info for Victims

Our office is committed to ensuring that all victims are treated with dignity and compassion at every step.

Prosecutor-Led Diversion:

“So many of the people who are arrested and then cross the prosecutor’s doorstep struggle with the illness of addiction and quite often have experienced some recent trauma. As prosecutors, it’s our duty to decide what charges to bring against people who are arrested or to not press any charges at all.

Our choice is the biggest factor in whether that person heads to outpatient treatment and group therapy or is locked behind prison bars, still suffering from an untreated medical condition.” - Wesley Bell

Courtesy of Wiley Price (St. Louis American)

Courtesy of Lavert Barnes (STL Today)


Prosecutor Wesley Bell

Wesley is an advocate for ending mass incarceration, eliminating ‘debtors’ prison’ practices, and rebuilding trust between communities and the prosecutor’s office. As prosecutor, Wesley began implementing reforms on day one; directing more resources to fight violent crime and ensuring victims receive compassion and justice at every step.
